Sunday, June 13, 2010

Not directed towards you!

This is just a rant, not directed towards anyone in particular but just a rant in general.

This Saturday is my final recital with Artistic Dance Centre because the studio is closing after this year. This Saturday marks my final recital possibly for a LONG time. I invite soooooo many people to come to see, not just me but the entire thing because I think it would be amazing to have a sold out show to end with a bang. And Yes, I'd love to hear them cheering for me knowing they support me...of course. But NO ONE is going. My parents and Scott.

Don't get me wrong, I love having them in the audience and the fact that my parents come down from CT every year specifically to see this recital, it means a lot. But some of my friends down here, some of my LIFE down here, i'd love them to see exactly what I do and what I talk about and rant about and complain about all year.

Also, in the friend department, whenever I invite CT friends to MD or visa versa, these respective trips never come to fruition and leave me driving 7 hours by myself. I think that the only time my two worlds will EVER meet will be at my wedding and even then, lets face it....if I get married in MD, how many of my "friends" from CT will come down. I know a few that definitely will. One specifically whom i've been friends with for 10 years will defnitely come down because she is just that great of a friend....but any others....yeah right.....

Roles reversed, if I get married in many MD people will drive up? I could just see the whole "I'll bum a ride with you when you go up" I went from having no friends down finally getting some...and hanging out with them so now, just having scott again. I miss CT so much....but will only go back if Scott gets a job up there....

Ok rant over.....didnt exactly make me feel better but I needed to vent this to someone, anyone other than Scott, again. Poor guy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

There must be something....

So, every now and again I will have a "light bulb" moment where all of a sudden something clicks and makes sense in my mind. Well I had a moment like that yesterday. I honestly do not know what sparked it or where the hell it came from.

I don't have a really religious view on life. I was brought up Catholic but I have stopped practicing simply because I didn't know if that was what I truly believe. Just because it was forced upon me, doesn't mean I truly believe it.

And today, I still don't know what exactly I believe in, in regards to that....but have come to the realization that there is something out there watching over me. I have the worst luck that anyone could ever imagine. But where it counts, I am kept safe, sound and happy. And things always work out in one way shape or form.

Take these examples as of late:

First, I was a bit nervous driving to and from CT by myself. Typically it takes Scott and I 6.5 to 7 hours to do this but to CT and to MD, I made it in 5.5 hours. No, I wasn't speeding. There was hardly any traffic both ways.

Second, I stress about finances more than anyone should....I know its not healthy but I can't help it. This pay period, I was going to be 22 hours short because of time I took off and Memorial Day and then my health insurance kicks in and the check was just going to be pathetic. And stretched way too thin because I have three student loans, one credit card, car insurance and a car payment all due before I get paid again. Not to mention my car is in dire need of an oil change and an interior wash due to the fact that Maggie shed like crazy when she travelled this past weekend..... But then yesterday, my boss comes to me and asks me if I want to use the minimal amount of benefit (PTO) hours I have built up....I told him Id take all I could get... and explained the time off, including Memorial Day and hes like well since you're full time, you get the six holidays paid. Labor Day, Christmas, New Years, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving and 4th of July. Smiles and a sigh of relief that I get 10 hours back!!!!

I think its my nana who is looking out for that crazy?