Saturday, December 18, 2010


I feel I need a change in my life.....Whether it is apartment, new pet, new piece of furniture, new job.....SOMETHING.....I feel like I am at a plateau and I feel bored with my life.

Changed apartments January 2009

Got a new TV, new Couch January 2009

Got a puppy February 2009

Got a full time job July 2009

Changed jobs March 2010

Changed studios July 2010

I like my job.....hate driving there. I love where I am teaching. I love my puppy. Our apartment is great....I am incredibly happy with Scott. Argh but I feel like I am bored!!!!!!

What do I do?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What a day, what a day......

Today sucked. I need to vent and the person I am going to be venting about needs to hear this but is incommunicado at the present moment.

I haven't seen Scott all week. Well, I guess we should start with last week.

Monday he worked at the firehouse. Well thats fine because I was working all day too so no time spent together. Tuesday I was home all day but he had class till 4ish. Wednesday I worked all day. Thursday he was at the firehouse. Friday I worked all day but then his friends from CT were here so I had to share him. All in all thats fine, he had a great time, it was a fun weekend but we didn't really have one on one time and if we did, we were sleeping.

Saturday I worked, got a massage then spent the day with him and his friends, same story as Friday. Sunday, spent time with his friends then he went to work. I went there to have dinner with him but at the firehouse there really is no intimate opportunities.

Monday he worked for someone at the firehouse.....another 24 hours gone.

Tuesday he had class. Then we went out for dinner which was nice but short.

Wednesday he worked at the firehouse.

Thursday he had class and I taught till 8 also.

Friday I worked all day. Went out at night but wasn't just the two of us. Again, thats fine but think of the point of this rant.

Saturday he worked all day at the firehouse.

Sunday (today) he left just as I was waking up. Worked at AE. Stayed later than his normal shift. Stayed at the mall later than that to purchase the iPhone. Came home, said hi to the dog (not his girlfriend, by the way) then spent hours on his iPhone downloading apps etc. And forget trying to talk to him when he is doing something, he just won't hear you. So talking to him, pointless. THen he proceeds to get extremely frustrated with something about the iPhone and when I go to ask whats up he looks at me like I did something completely wrong and says "Seriously? Not now" Soooo I just shut up. Haven't really spoken to him for the remainder of the evening.

He's watching Indiana Jones and again, dont try to talk to him during it, won't hear you.

Tomorrow I work all day, and we wont even talk via text because hes working at AE for a good portion of it.

Tuesday he is at the firehouse

Wednesday I work then he has oral surgery and will be out of it for the rest of the night, leaving me to basically be his slave.

Thursday I work all day and hopefully he is feeling better

Friday i work all day.

When do I actually get to spend time with my boyfriend? WHen do I get to feel like I am actually in a relationship again because I haven't felt like I am in one since Thanksgiving for the mere reason we dont get to see each other or spend quality time with each other.

When do I get to be told "I love you" without me having to say it first. When do I get more attention than the dog? When do I get to feel like I am special?

I could just cry right now.
